Thursday 20 January 2011

Journal Entry 50, Title: American Poetry Today

I think poetry is can be something other than sentences on paper. I think it can be sentences on the computer screen as well. Just kidding. I think poetry can exist in forms other than words and paper. I think some hidden forms of poetry that aren’t recognized by people are our feelings, even the everyday things we encounter are kind of like poetry. I think poetry is pretty important to people even until these days. Poetry is important to the people who read them, and also to the people who write them. For the people who read them, poems are considered an entertainment. For the people who write them, poems are a way to express their feelings, and also a way to make a living. I think poetry is not very important to me; I don’t really like to read poems, except the ones that are really good. Some of the really good ones that I’ve read are mostly the ones in our American Literature textbook. “The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls” by Henry Longfellow is one that I really like. The image on the text book really helped bring out the feeling of the poem. I think the “The Raven” by Edgar Allen Poe is a very good poem, too. It is very well written, but I didn’t like it because it was kind of disturbing to read. 

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