Thursday 13 January 2011

Journal Entry 47, Title: Sound Effects in “The Raven”

Edgar Allen Poe used many different kinds of sound effects in his poem. Some techniques that he used are onomatopoeia, rhyme, and alliteration. Rhyme is the most frequently used technique in “The Raven”. Every stanza ends with “Nevermore”, and most sentences end with words that have the “ore” sound. Lenore and nevermore, more and many others. I think the sound effects in this poem are the things that made this poem successful. The sound effects not just made the poem interesting to read out loud, but they also created an atmosphere. The repetition of “Lenore” and “nevermore” let’s us feel the pain of Edgar Allen Poe far stronger. The rhymes not only made the poems look very good, it also made it sound very good. 

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