Monday 10 January 2011

Journal Entry 45, Title: Ugly Reality

I think there are a good side and a bad side for the children to be in court, seeing the Tom Robinson case, and I think there is more bad side than good side. First of all, the children will receive too much information on the violence and rape. It gives a bad influence on the children. Second of all, the children will see and learn about the ugly side of human society too early. They will see how the some people try to put other people to death just because of their personal opinions about them. The Ewells have a strong hate against the black people, and call them the n-word. Bob Ewell mentioned the n-word several times in the court, which I think is a bad influence on Scout, since the word is considered to be a very harsh insult. I think the good side of letting the children see the case is that they will mature faster. Scout will learn more about the society she lives in earlier, and will understand more about the relationship between them and black people. I think the appropriate age for someone to see the court case should be at least 18, because people are more mature when they are 18.

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