Tuesday 24 May 2011

Reflect on Your Project

We divided our group project into three parts, and assigned each member a part. My part was to do a poster on the background and basic information of The Handmaids Tale, and a “connection to self” poster that relates the conditions described in the book to my personal experience. The background and basic information poster was pretty easy to do, because all I have to do is research. The connection to self-poster was harder because I had trouble relating the book to myself. After a few hours of ferocious thinking, I found out that I could relate the way the Handmaids are prosecuted in the book, to my experience of being prosecuted. The handmaids were forced to do what they most likely don’t want to do (make babies), and will face severe punishment (death) if they raise any objection. I am often forced to do something that I don’t want to do, too, and I will also face punishment of a different form if I don’t do it. I spent a few hours on each poster, organizing the information, arranging the format, and adding some details. No one in our group took an obvious leadership role, but it was Christine who organized everything. I got my material from bookstores, and I worked at home because I have art supplies at home.

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