Friday 13 May 2011

Eccentric or Crazy?

In the story “A Rose for Emily”, we see a woman that acts and talks abnormally. She is disconnected from the society she lives in, and does her best to shut anything from the society out. She seems that she doesn’t understand how things work, because when people asked her to pay taxes, she replied multiple times that she has no taxes in Jefferson, and that the people should go talk to a colonel who died ten years ago. When poor people act this way, people usually say that they’re weird, but when rich people act this way, people say they’re “eccentric”. Eccentric by the dictionary definition means “off center”. I think the reason why people describe weird aristocratic people as “eccentric” is because aristocratic people live by a set of rules. People expect the aristocratic people to behave a certain way, so when the aristocratic people behave differently from other people’s expectations, they are considered eccentric. People say Miss Emily is eccentric because she doesn’t act like what an aristocratic lady would act like.

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