Tuesday 31 May 2011

Independent Reading Project Reflection

By doing the independent group project, I learned about World War I from the Italian’s point of view, because the main character was an American ambulance river serving in the Italian army. The book was pretty thick, and it took me a very long time to finish it. Some of the parts describing the war are really good, because it described the soldier’s suffering very graphically. I believe that this exercise was pretty worthwhile, because I learned a lot about not just the World War I, but also the grim realities of war. I think this book is almost the direct opposite to The Red Badge of Courage; in The Red Badge of Courage, the author put the focus on the honor and glory of war, but in A Farewell to Arms, the author focused on the bad side of war, it described how the main character’s friends died one by one, and how he lost his lover in the end. To make it a better project, I would suggest myself to be more creative. The project Danny made was pretty creative; he taught us the theme of the book The Great Gatsby with simple and interactive “treasure” box.

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