In The Handmaid’s Tale, the power relations between some people is very clear, and not that obvious between some people. The relation between the general and the handmaid is very clear, the general has the ability to “get rid” of the handmaid, or punish them, but the handmaid’s can’t do anything to disobey the general. The same works with the general’s wife. The relation between handmaids and marthas are also pretty clear. The marthas can tell the handmaids what to do and what not to do, the handmaids can only listen and execute the orders. I think the power relations between the police and handmaids are pretty clear, too. The police can kill the handmaids if the handmaids look suspicious, but the handmaids can’t do anything. One power relation that is not very obvious is the relation between Nick and the handmaids. Nick has the power to get the handmaids into trouble. Nick likes to “flirt” and make eye contact with the handmaids, but if the handmaids were caught responding to Nick’s flirtatious actions, they will be punished and even killed. Another relation that is not so obvious is the relation between the general and his wife. I think the wife has the power to influence the general, thus getting some handmaids into trouble. For example, if the general’s wife dislikes one of the handmaids, she can tell him to get rid of that handmaid.
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