Friday 25 March 2011

Better Things?

I think technology doesn’t necessarily bring better things, or make/let us do better things. “Men travel faster now, but I do not know if they go to better things”. I think this quotation is very meaningful. Even though cars let us travel faster than horse carriages, we don’t really do a lot of good things. Cars pollute the environment, and many criminals use cars to commit crime. People in the past don’t have a lot of technology, so their lives are simple. People now use technology everyday; a lot of people pay their full attention to the technology and ignore other people. The downsides of the development of technology are clearly stated in Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. The people don’t think because they’re constantly watching or listening to a piece of technology. They fail to notice even when their neighbors disappear. Technology makes our lives more convenient, but relying on technology too much could lead to very bad consequences.

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