Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Journal Entry17: Title: Give me Liberty or…

When you look back at Taiwan’s history, you can see that many countries have fought for the control of Taiwanese land. Several countries like Japan, China, the Netherlands, and Spain all involved in the wars on territories. After the temporary governments of various countries, there’s nothing more that the Taiwanese citizens want than the chance to govern themselves. Many of the most heroic events in Taiwanese history are the story of leaders fighting off the Japanese or Chinese control. I think the aboriginals will have the deepest understanding of the words “liberty” and “freedom”. Just like the Indians in America, the aboriginals were prosecuted by the outside countries coming into Taiwan. One of the most known rebels of the aboriginals resulted in almost the complete eradication of one aboriginal tribe. The craving for independence shaped the minds of Taiwanese citizens in the past, and it continues to affect us today. The characters of Taiwanese and American people are similar in some ways; we both fought for our independence. The Americans fought against the British, and the Taiwanese fought against China and Japan. Almost every country has the background of fighting for liberty and independence. For most people, when they hear the words “liberty” and “freedom”, they think about the history of their country. 

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