Monday 18 October 2010

Journal Entry16, Title: My own Sermon

If you sin, you receive punishment. If you sin, god will not save you, you’ll go to Satan’s land and burn in the scorching hell for eternity. We are already sinners in the eyes of god because of Adam and Eve. We must not commit crime; one more crime will become the motive for god to ban us out of paradise. Sin is not tolerated by god. God tells us not to lie, not to kill and not to commit adultery. We are the creations of god, and god has the ability to destroy his creations, if some of us were to commit sin. Do not foolishly underestimate the power of god; do not be arrogant enough to cast disbelief on god. Those who cast doubt upon the powers of god end up dead, their bodies burn in black flame and cast a odor so foul it is surely the scent of Satan. God can create us with a flick of his hand, and he can destroy us with the same way. God keeps us from going to hell only to give us a chance to prove ourselves, if we sin, we lose the chance and we all die. So believe in god, and never commit sin!

The God's Power - Shiraz, Fars 

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