Tuesday 7 September 2010

Puritans and Rationalists today

In the old times, Puritans worshipped god, and their life was developed around the religious beliefs. They believed god had created the universe, and god will control their life. The Rationalists also believed in god, but their beliefs differ from of the Puritans. The Rationalists also thinks that God created the universe, but they believed god will not control the lives of human. Unlike the Puritans and Rationalists, many people in the modern world don’t believe in gods. They believed the universe was created by natural phenomena, and they think people should be able have their own beliefs. Like most people, I believe in science, and I think the universe is created by natural causes. People in the modern world are not prosecuted by their beliefs; the diversity of beliefs in the world is a proof of the freedom of beliefs. 

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