Thursday 2 June 2011

Group Work

I think group work is a good way of coming out with solutions. When people work as a group, they each contribute a small share, and sometimes they provide knowledge that another person doesn’t know about. I like working as a group more than working by myself, because I tend to miss some important facts when I do projects alone. By working as a group, we discuss together and get all the important facts recorded down. I sometimes contribute largely to the group, and sometimes let other people do the work. I think teachers who make students do group work so often do so not only because it makes their own job easier, but also because it helps us learn better. Group work will surely benefit us in our life after high school, because we will have to work very frequently with other students when we go to college, and also work together with other employees if we work in a company in the future. Given the fact that I college you might have to work in groups even more than you have had in high school, I began to think that group work in high school is very important. It helps us prepare for our future career.

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