Tuesday 7 June 2011

Final Exam

I wasn’t really prepared for this exam, mainly because of the SAT reasoning test on Saturday. I spent almost all of my time preparing for the SAT, and didn’t think much about the upcoming finals. My mind was so occupied by SAT, I forgot to bring my American Literature textbook home, so I have to read the stories online, and try my hardest to get the complete study guide. I was most confident on the parts of the exam about the stories and the stories’ details, because I read both stories multiple times. I wasn’t confident about the parts about literary terms, because I didn’t really get to study them. This exam wasn’t as hard as I expected, but I still couldn’t get some questions. I think I’ll have to be more careful in the future, so as not to forget to bring my book home. I found that reading the stories multiple times helps significantly in taking the test, I remembered almost all the details, and had no problems answering most of the questions. 

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