Tuesday 26 April 2011

What’s His Problem?

I think Alfred Prufrock’s problem is that he is too self-conscious and doesn’t have a lot of confidence. He is afraid to take action and propose to the women he admires, because he thinks that he isn’t good enough for her. I think he feels that most women are superior to him and are better than him; he also thinks that the women he sees won’t like someone like him. He thinks he’s too old, too thin, and has a bald spot. In his poem, he mentioned many times how he is bad compared to the woman he likes, he also mentioned how he doesn’t have the courage to tell the woman about his feelings. He said: “do I dare, do I dare?” many times in his poems because he doesn’t have the courage. In lines 37 to 44, he revealed his concern about his self-image. He confesses to the public that he lacks courage and confidence. He reveals his concern about how other people view him by saying: (they will say how his hair is growing thin, they will say how his arms and legs are thin!). 

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