Many significant events and disasters happened in the beginning of the past century. The World War One, Economic Crash, the great depression, and the World War Two all happened within the first few decades of the 19th century. Many disasters happened during the first few years of the 20th century, too. Even though there weren’t any wars, there were many natural disasters. There was the Si Chuan Earthquake, Haiti Earthquake, Japan Earthquake, Bali Tsunami, and the Japan Tsunami. These natural disasters caused drastic damage to the society and its infrastructures. People were horrified by the nature’s power to take away millions of lives. The human race had to face a big challenge once again; they have to rebuild society after mass destruction. I think historians of the future will describe the past twenty years as a time when the human race is harshly challenged by the environment they live in. We have to face the problem of rebuilding our society, and also sustaining our society, and we also faced the problem of climate change and global warming. I think the label for this contemporary period might be “Renewism”, because we have to, and have begun to restructure our society to fit the fast changing environment of where we live in.
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