Tuesday 26 April 2011


The definition of an “anti-hero” is “a person who is unable to succeed in what he/she does (or wants to do) because of he/she’s personal’s personal flaws”. I think J. Alfred Prufrock fits the definition of the anti-hero very well. Prufrock wants to get a woman he admires, but he is afraid to take action because of his lack of courage and confidence. He was unable to get the woman because of his personal flaws. I think J. Alfred Prufrock is certainly disillusioned, he mentions several times in his poem “the Love Song” how he is too old and too bald to do what he wants to do. Prufrock doesn’t dare to dream that he might one day get the women he wants. , “The hero is today running up against a hard world that is in no way responsive to the spiritual need.” Modern society has become a “stagnation of inauthentic lives and living . . . that evokes nothing of our spiritual life, our potentialities, or even our physical courage.” I agree with Joseph Campbell’s quote, I think that the modern society has indeed become a stagnation of inauthentic lives and living. People now work hard and do what they considered an entertainment (which is watching TV) everyday, they don’t really stop to think about anything because they are too tired, and also because their minds are too occupied.

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