Tuesday 9 November 2010

Journal 25, Title: Romantic Values

The values of the Romantics were feeling and intuition over reason and the placing of faith in inner experience and the power of imagination. Romantics also value natures that are unspoiled by civilization, and dislike the artificiality of civilization. These romantic values affect the American imagination by influencing the way they think, and changes the way they act. I don’t think much of the values that the Romantics favored are still alive in our modern society and culture. Most people in our modern society mostly values civilization, they usually dislike people who favors feelings more than reason. Deciding matter with you’re feelings is not as good as deciding with reasons. Deciding with reasons is more “rational”; it allows us to make a more appropriate decision. I personally think that some of the values that Romantics like are kind of weird. In our modern society and my own culture, we are brought up with the beliefs that we must be “realistic”. We have to value the things that play an important role in our life, instead of just some “feelings”.

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